Tag Archives: Couples

“Jaw With John” – Partner Left Out of B-Day Celebration

My best friend has a special birthday coming up. He has invited friends to a special dinner. This invitation includes myself, other individuals and some couples. Some are people I know, and some are not.

My dilemma is that he did not invite my partner. My partner has known him and his wife as long as I have. Other couples on the guest list include people with whom we have all socialized many times.

Initially I thought her name was left off by mistake, so I called him. He explained that there was no mistake; he was inviting only people with whom he felt especially close. He said he did not include her in that category. He said there were also some other couples where he had only invited one of the partners.

My partner was devastated by being left out and I feel in a terrible quandary about whether to attend. On one hand I respect and like him so much I feel honored to be invited at all, but on the other I feel my partner’s pain and I am also hurt that she was left out.

I feel torn two ways — but I am leaning toward not attending.

Can you offer any advice to me and comment on the propriety, or lack of it, in this situation? — Torn

Dear Torn:

Your friend is kind of an asshole.

He’s picking and choosing members of couples who he wants at his party. You said he’s known the both of you for a long time and yet he wants to include only you in the celebration? That doesn’t sound like much of a friendship. It sounds like he only truly values one of you and that’s not cool.

I think you need to decline the invitation and do something with your partner on that day instead. If, when you tell him, he changes his tune and decides that you can bring your partner along, still decline. Let him know that his selfish ways aren’t tolerated.

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“Jaw With John” – Couple Acts As One Not Two

I recently went on a weekend getaway/retreat with several co-workers (not officially a work event). I was driving one of the cars, and I brought along a co-worker and her boyfriend.

The trip cost roughly $90 in gas. I would have expected each passenger (myself included) to contribute a third. But my co-worker offered only $45, saying, “There’s our half.”

I try to avoid pettiness, and don’t want to cause a rift with a co-worker over $15 — after all, it’s more about the principle than the money — but I also want to be more aware of what the rules are when splitting costs with a couple. — Not Cheap, Just Curious

Dear Curious:

Lesson learned: you should have set up the details before you left on the trip.

You’re not going to get those $15 back. Let it go and learn from this experience.

BUT, I hate hate hate hate hate it when couples or groups try to do this sort of thing. They think of themselves at JeffAndAmy and not Jeff and Amy. They pay for things as a single entity because they are together. Leaving the third wheel to pay for him/herself. You end up paying more than your fair share or what you actually bought and are left wondering “WTF just happened?!” Establish payment structure up front next time and everything will be butter, aka smooth.

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